Tuesday, December 7, 2010

39 Minutes To Spare...

As I tucked myself into bed this evening I reflect on all of my accomplishments from the day...
1) Informational interview with a delightful retired social worker and her cats!
2) Played receptionist at the senior center and made great strides in the New York Time's cross word puzzle while there.
3) Researched graduate programs
4) Watched Glee.

And just as I was about to flip off the lights I realized I had forgotten my newest to do task "Stay true to my promises"...

So here I am a daily update. By the way the books I decided to start reading are as follows
- Let the Great World Spin by Colum McCann (I already read about 3/4s of it but left it on a plane. This new copy I'm not letting go of!)
- Paula by Isabel Allende. (Apparently I like memoirs written by women when their daughters are gravely ill. Last year at this time I was reading The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion. Merry Christmas!)

I will post tomorrow!!

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